Paradise City Festival
May 3, 2023

In June and July, the Paradise City Festival honors its name by bringing a community of forty thousand people over to a fantastic location for three days to enjoy the lush green castle garden surrounded by water, with stunning beats by Adriatique, Ben UFO, Eris Drew & Octo Octa, Omar S, Job Jobse, Palms Trax, Moodymann and many more.
It’s no coincidence that this green scenery was chosen to organize the event. What makes Paradise City Festival stand out is how they lead by example. The festival owners implemented a strict green policy at Paradise City Festival. They invest year-round to rejuvenate and monitor the sustainability of the gardens around Ribaucourt Castle with a dedicated gardener. They hope to influence their fans to live more sustainably and make an essential change in the event scene.

By partnering up with TicketSwap, Paradise City Festival has experienced improvements in multiple areas, for example, through TicketSwap’s marketing support, where we enabled explore feed coverage for the festival on our landing page, social media posts, and an extra point of sale for primary tickets. Through transparent communication on different channels, it was clear to their fans where they could buy and resell their festival tickets, unburdening Paradise CIty's support department and enhancing the fans’ experience.
Additionally, TicketSwap offers the festival a 100% secure way for their fans to resell their tickets thanks to TicketSwap’s ‘SecureSwap technology.’ With SecureSwap, an integration is created between TicketSwap and several known ticket companies. In this case, with Paradise City’s ticket provider ‘See Tickets’ (Paylogic). Using this integration, TicketSwap can create a new barcode for the tickets and ensure that tickets are sold in a safe and fair way, capping the price at face value. Ensuring resold tickets are entirely safe.
The extra point of sale on the TicketSwap event page helped the organization to boost its sales and sell out even faster. Therefore this year, it was a no-brainer for the festival to activate this again.
TicketSwap is the safest, easiest, and ‘clean’ way to buy and sell tickets for Paradise City Festival 2023. Buyers receive their newly swapped tickets directly after paying, while sellers are guaranteed their money.
Join a leading network of venues, organizations, and ticketing companies that put fans first.
Learn more about TicketSwap’s partner program and improve the fan experience.
"I have been very happy about our collaboration with TicketSwap since day one. Clear and transparent communication is what makes this partnership work!"
Antoine De Brabandere
Benefits of partnering up with TicketSwap for Paradise City:
Being able to offer fans to resell tickets for face value in a 100 % secure and simple way
Fans know exactly where to go to sell or buy tickets, making it an easy customer journey
Expanding the festival's digital reach to increase sales with marketing support, such as social media posts, explore feed coverage, and in-app placements
Quick support from the TicketSwap team
“Paradise City is one of our most popular events happening in Belgium and, therefore, truly an honor for us to have been collaborating with them on multiple levels for several years. They represent the Belgian music scene and involve a variety of nightlife concepts accessible for every electronic music lover.”
Maxim Troch